Part 2 Section 1: Do You Know Your Enemy? Grow Up. Wear All of the Armor. There are two sections to Part 2. Do You Know Your Enemy? Life is a battleground. The sooner you accept this truth, the easier it's going to be to win the battle. Satan is trying to destroy us because we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We have all the riches and resources of the resurrected Christ available to us. We are like the people of Israel when they moved into the Promised Land and claimed their victory. When the older generation died, the new generation forgot about God and lost their terri-tory. Why? They did not stand. Grow Up. The Christian life is a growth process. Before we can walk with Christ and run the race set before us (see Hebrews. 12:1), we must first learn how to stand Ephesians 6:11 tells us, "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." The word "wiles" can also be translated "methods" or "c...